Bernina World of Sewing

                            A World of Stitching at Your Fingertips!

Oak Park Shopping Center    6013 Glenwood Ave, Raleigh, NC 27612-2601
Raleigh Phone:  (919) 782-2945   Hours:  Mon-Sat 10-5,Sun 1-5

Wilmington: 4403A Oleander Dr, Wilmington, NC 28403
Wilmington Phone: (910) 769-2775    Hours:  Mon-Sat 10-5

Bernina World of Sewing Gift Certificate

To assist our customers, the following Web form allows for you to contact us regarding a gift certificate to be used at the store. Orders for a gift certificate will be processed online and offline: We will contact you by phone to finalize the gift certificate order processing (payment: VISA or MasterCard). The gift certificate will be mailed to the person who orders the certificate -- or, optionally to recipient.

At the end of the Form, fill in the ship-to name, mailing address, phone, eMail address, and, finally, send the information by clicking on "Send to Bernina World of Sewing For Processing".

Person's Name you wish on the Gift Certificate

Gift Certificate Amount

Contacting/Billing and Shipping (Mailing the Certificate) Information

Your Name for Contacting/Billing:

Your Address:
Address Continued
City, State, Zip Code

Your Phone:

Your eMail Address:

If different than Contact/Billing, the Ship to (For mailing the certificate): Name:

Ship-To Address: (It is only necessary to fill this out if different than Contact/Billing information).
Ship-to Address
Ship-to Address Continued
Ship-to City, State, Zip Code
Ship-to Country

Ship-to Phone:

Ship-to eMail Address:

Optional Comments:

Privacy: Bernina World of Sewing will never use any information you give to us for any purpose other than this Web order. We will not make available to anyone, nor to any company/business other-than Bernina World of Sewing, any information related to this Web order.

To contact us about anything on this Web page, please: send mail to: Bernina World of Sewing for Web Ordering

© Bernina World of Sewing
6013 Glenwood Ave.
Raleigh, NC 27612
Phone: (919) 782-2945
To contact us about anything on this page or any of our site's Web pages, please:
send mail to: Webmaster for Bernina World of Sewing

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