Bernina World of Sewing
A World of Stitching at Your Fingertips!
Oak Park Shopping Center 6013 Glenwood Ave, Raleigh, NC 27612-2601
Raleigh Phone: (919) 782-2945 Hours: Mon-Sat 10-5,Sun 1-5
Wilmington: 4403A Oleander Dr, Wilmington, NC 28403
Wilmington Phone: (910) 769-2775 Hours: Mon-Sat 10-5
Gatherings 2024
Daytime Gathering January-December 2024:
Other Store Gatherings are Available in 2024:
Afternoon "Bernina Modern" Gathering
- For 2024, they will each be working on the modern quilts of our choice. Sometimes, two or three participants will choose to work on the same quilt or quilts simultaneously.
Embroidery Gathering
- For 2024, the Embroidery Gathering is taking place the third Wednesday of the month. The instructors walk you through step by step, with an intense focus on learning your BERNINA machine. Designs are provided and require all students to purchase a BWOS USB stick or simply drop a labeled USB stick with your name at the store before the start of the class.
For information about the above Gatherings, enquire at the Raleigh store or:
send an eMail to: GatheringInfo at Bernina World of Sewing dot com
This Web page is aimed at being a central repository of information for our 2024 Tuesday Daytime Gathering.
The Gathering in 2024 was a year-long Gathering while taking a "Summer Break" in June/July. The Daytime Gathering projects were Store-Kit Choice: Participants found a store kit that fits their 2024 aims.
The 2024 Daytime Gathering took place monthly and was held at the Raleigh store's BERNINA Studio:
- The third Tuesday of the month, 10:30am - 4:00pm.
The final 2024 - and, it happened to be: The final after-14-years! Tuesday Daytime Gathering -- was held on December 17, 2024.
For participating in the Gathering, you are reminded that:
- The Gathering participants purchased, from our store, books or other patterns chosen to be part of the Gatherings and the fabric needed for quilts created during the Gatherings..
- The Gathering participant, by joining the Gathering, made a commitment of making a solid effort at completing the Gathering project for the year.
- For the 2024 Daytime Gathering, the yearly fee was $75. The fee iwas non-refundable once charged.
- Gathering participants had experience in sewing and in making quilts.
- Gathering participants, surely, interacted. However, the Gathering was not a class, although Sonja was available to assist during the ten-month Gathering sessions.
- The store was not be able to arrange and set-up class machines for use during the Gatherings. Gathering participants brought to the Gathering what they needed for sewing/cutting during the Gathering.
- Due to the numerous options / aims / of each Gathering participant, space at the Gathering was limited.
Gathering Participants had to be be pre-signed up. "Drop in" participants were not accommodated. Sorry!
Further information was available on this Webpage and via eMail sent to Gathering participants.
The Gatherings were normally over-subscribed. If you wish more information about the monthly Daytime (third Tuesday) Gatherings:
send mail to: GatheringInfo at Bernina World of Sewing dot com
For more information about the Tuesday Daytime Gathering just click below:
Interaction/More-Sharing Regarding the Pattern Choice Daytime Gathering 2024
A BLOG has been set up aimed to be used by those of you who are participating in the 2024 Daytime Gathering at our store.
BWOS Daytime Store-Kit Choice Gathering BLOG
© Bernina World of Sewing
6013 Glenwood Ave.
Raleigh, NC 27612
Phone: (919) 782-2945
To contact us about anything on this page or any of our site's Web pages, please:
send mail to: Webmaster for Bernina World of Sewing
This website offers links to other sites outside the purview of Bernina World of Sewing. Bernina World of Sewing claims no responsibility for the content of any linked site and does not necessarily endorse the content of these links. These links are in place for your convenience only.
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