Bernina World of Sewing

                            A World of Stitching at Your Fingertips!

Oak Park Shopping Center    6013 Glenwood Ave, Raleigh, NC 27612-2601
Raleigh Phone:  (919) 782-2945   Hours:  Mon-Sat 10-5,Sun 1-5

Wilmington: 4403A Oleander Dr, Wilmington, NC 28403
Wilmington Phone: (910) 769-2775    Hours:  Mon-Sat 10-5

Gatherings Gallery

The Gatherings are (generally) held once a month at Bernina World of Sewing. Participants in the Gatherings are customers and Bernina World of Sewing staff. The Gatherings differ from a traditional "bee" in that Gathering participants all work on a similar piece and the Gatherers agree to purchase at Bernina World of Sewing the Gathering project's pattern and fabric-needed to complete the piece. The Gathering participant, of course, often makes modifications to the pattern-suggested instructions and fabric color/etc. This leads to participant-unique results and, as the projects move along, we have Gathering Web pages and BLOGs that assist in keeping "memories" of how the projects evolved.

The Gatherings started in 2011 at Bernina World of Sewing as a Monthly Daytime happening and has continued in that fashion as subsequent Gatherings came about. In 2016 there was sufficient interest to add an Evening Gathering, also held monthly.

Gathering projects have a limited timeframe objective -- generally six months to a year for the project's duration.

    General titles for the Gatherings have been: (Dates shown overlap indicated years; the end of the project is not year-specific).
    • 2011

      Patriots in Petticoats

    • 2012
      Smokey River
    • 2013
      One Block Wonder
    • 2014
      Downton Abbey

      Blooming Nine Patch

    • 2015

      Pattern Choice(Labyrinth, Winners Bouquet, Celebration)


    • 2016
      Gemstone (Daytime Gathering)

      Gemstone or Blooming Nine Patch (Evening Gathering)

    • 2017
      Modern Neutrals (Both the Daytime and Evening Gatherings)
    • 2018
      Pattern Choice (Both the Daytime and Evening Gatherings)
    • 2019
      Pattern Choice and Log Cabin 2019
    • 2020
      BOM Theme and Log Cabin 2020
    • 2020-2021
      We had two-plus Gatherings...
      Naturally, affected by COVID... enough said about that, eh? We ZOOMed most of these two years:
    • 2022
      Blooming 9-Patch and Pattern Choice.
    • 2023
      Basically Daytime Gatherings - Pattern Choice once again.

This Web page is a place for us to "store" photos of completed pieces. Thank you, Gathering participants and you - for taking the time to view this Web page.

On this page, we present some of those special pieces.
Last Update: May 28, 2023

(Click on any of the following images to see in a larger-sized image).

To see other Galleries at Bernina World of Sewing, click on:

Customer Gallery

Store-Staff Gallery

Mickey Strong, Raleigh NC

Entered Gallery: May, 2023
Piece Name: Quarry
Size: 72" x 80"

Gathering involved was: 2022 "Pattern Choice"
It was an easy quilt but it was important to label each piece so the blocks went together properly.
Quilted by: Nancy Kennedy of Kennedy Quilting

Closer Looks


Debby Femia, Raleigh NC

Entered Gallery: April, 2023
Piece Name: My Jacket 2022

Gathering involved was: 2022 "Pattern Choice"
Pattern was an original design by Debby.
Quilted by: Debby

Closer Looks

Sonja Shogren (With - pattern and fabric - selected by David Shogren), Raleigh NC

Entered Gallery: April, 2023
Piece Name: Tiger River
Size: 58" x 58"

Gathering involved was: 2022 "Pattern Choice"
Pattern was: "Landmark" from the book Urban Quilting by Wendy Chow.
Quilted by: Carry Hauser
(Quilt pattern selected by Sonja and the quilter influenced David's naming of the quilt: Tiger River).
Back fabric was the same as the front background fabric).

Closer Looks

Sonja Shogren, Raleigh NC

Entered Gallery: August, 2020
Piece Name: Africa-4
Size: 60" x 60"

Gathering involved was: 2020 "BOM Theme"

A Closer Look

Diane Walters, Raleigh NC

Entered Gallery: August, 2020 - Completed: July 2020
Piece Name: "Savannah’s Hearts"
Size: Queen-size

Gathering involved was: 2020 "LC"

A Closer Look

Amy O'Donnell, Raleigh NC

Entered Gallery: July, 2017 - Completed: June 2017
Piece Name: "Blueberry Blender"
Size: 70" x 80"

Gathering involved was: 2017 "Modern Neutrals"

A Closer Look

Lin Wright, Raleigh NC

Entered Gallery: June, 2017 - Completed: May, 2017
Piece Name: "Blue Waves"
Size: 60" x 70"

Quilted by: Self

I was pleased with the way it turned out, and I enjoyed quilting it.

Gathering involved was: 2017 "Modern Neutrals"

A Closer Look

Sonja Shogren, Raleigh NC

Entered Gallery: July, 2017 - Completed: July 2017
Piece Name: "Eclipse 2017"
Size: 72" x 84"

Gathering involved was: 2017 "Modern Neutrals"

A Closer Look

Mickey Strong, Raleigh NC

Entered Gallery: January, 2016 - Completed: September, 2015
Piece Name: "Celebration"
Size: 90" x 90"

Gathering involved was: 2015 "Pattern Choice"

A Closer Look

Amy O'Donnell, Raleigh NC

Entered Gallery: July, 2016 - Completed: October, 2014
Piece Name:

Gathering involved was: 2014 "Blooming Nine Patch"

Sona Thorburn, Raleigh NC

Entered Gallery: July, 2016 - Completed: October, 2014
Piece Name:

Gathering involved was: 2014 "Blooming Nine Patch"

Sonja Shogren, Raleigh NC

Entered Gallery: July, 2016 - Completed: December, 2014
Piece Name:

Gathering involved was: 2014 "Blooming Nine Patch"

Sonja Shogren, Raleigh NC

Entered Gallery: July, 2016 - Completed: July, 2011
Piece Name:
Size: 108" x 108"

Gathering involved was: 2010-11 "Patriots in Petticoats"

Closer Look

Ready for Binding

Ann Thompson, Raleigh NC

Entered Gallery: July, 2016 - Pieces Completed: March, 2012, April 2013, December 2014
Piece Name:

Gathering involved was: 2010-11 "Piecemakers"

A Closer Look

A Closer Look

Sonja Shogren, Raleigh NC

Entered Gallery: July, 2016 - Piece Completed: March, 2012
Piece Name:

Gathering involved was: 2010-11 "Piecemakers"

To comment, please eMail us and we will get the comment to the artist. Thank you!

We would LOVE to have your quilt be in our Gatherings area.

Just stop by the store and we will make a photo of your piece - or, send us a photo online (accompanied with the following information):

  • Your Name: ____________________________________________
  • Your eMail (We will not publicize or share with anyone your eMail address): ______________________________________________
  • Your City/State/Country: _________________________________
  • Which Gathering was part of your piece's project: _________________________________
  • Name (if "named") of the piece placed into the gallery:
  • Completed size of the piece: __________
  • Short comment (optional) that you would like placed on the Website regarding the piece: _____________________________
  • Date completed (approximate, is fine!): __________

  • Is it OK for us to place your name on our Gathering Gallery Website (Yes or No): __________

Stop by the store or: eMail

Note: If you send a photo of your completed piece,
please send the largest-sized photo that you took.
We will adjust the size for Web-viewing. Thank you.

© Bernina World of Sewing
6013 Glenwood Ave.
Raleigh, NC 27612
Phone: (919) 782-2945
To contact us about anything on this page or any of our site's Web pages, please:
send mail to: Webmaster for Bernina World of Sewing

This website offers links to other sites outside the purview of Bernina World of Sewing. Bernina World of Sewing claims no responsibility for the content of any linked site and does not necessarily endorse the content of these links. These links are in place for your convenience only.